Design with Composite Materials

Stress analysis in laminated structural elements made of FRP composites, 3D elastic constants of a laminated structure, Thermal expansion coefficients, Failure of laminated plates (FPF loads, plate failure due to hygrothermal loading, ultimate failure of laminate structure LPF, degradation of mechanical properties−distributed failure, design criteria), General principles of composite structural reliability (ISO 2394), Selection of stacking sequence in laminated structures (empirical methods, use of FPF and LPF failure loci, principal-stress method), Fatigue design of laminated structural components (material characterization, determination of stress sequences, load cycle counting, constant life diagrams, fatigue strength criterion, damage accumulation law, life prediction under complex stress state and spectral loading), Joints design for composites (bolted and adhesive), Application example: Design methodology for horizontal−axis wind turbine rotor blades.
By the end of this course the students will be able to:
- Specify the layup of laminated structures and select appropriate composite materials for structural elements based on the loading and operational requirements
- Analyze structures made of composite materials under extreme and dynamic loading, control elastic stability and modal response of laminated plates
- Design structural elements made of composite materials and implementing finite element models
This knowledge is necessary for related Diploma Thesis projects. The learning outcomes of this course correspond to the descriptive index 8, according to the European Qualifications Framework.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes