Φιλιππάτος Άγγελος
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- Φιλιππάτος Άγγελος
Φιλιππάτος Άγγελος
Βαθμίδα: Επίκουρος Καθηγητής
Dr.-Ing. Angelos Filippatos is the Assistant Professor for Design of Machine Elements and Machine Design of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics at the University of Patras in Greece. Prior to his appointment, he was a group leader of the research group “Hierarchical Topologies – Intelligent multi-functional Systems with material-inherent functions” at the Dresden Center for Intelligent Materials (DCIM) of the Technische Universität Dresden and a research associate at the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) of TU Dresden.
His research interests are on the design and testing of multi-functional, multi-material structures under complex loading conditions, with a special focus on enabling new technical and societal requirements. The main emphasis of his research is to synergize multi-material engineering, parametric simulations and machine learning to discover and implement novel functionalities to hybrid and composite structures.
His research has been funded by national (German) and international agencies, including the European Commission, DAAD, the free State of Saxony and TU Dresden. He is a reviewer for 6 International Journals and two International Conferences. He has supervised over 18 Student and Diploma Theses at the Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering of TU Dresden.
Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα
2023 – Assistant Professor at University of Patras, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, Machine Design Laboratory, Greece
- Design of Mechanical Systems and Machine Elements
2021 – 2022 Group Leader at Dresden Center for Intelligent Materials (DCIM) LAB, School of Engineering Sciences at the Technische Universität (TU) Dresden, Germany
- Hierarchical Topologies – Intelligent multi-functional systems with material-inherent functions
2018 – 2020 Post-Doc as research associate at Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK), TU Dresden, Germany
- Investigating damaged high-speed rotors using in-situ measurement systems
12/2017 Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.), Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering, TU Dresden, Germany
- Title: A damage identification method for composite rotors under consideration of their gradual damage behaviour – summa cum laude
2014 – 2017 Research associate at ILK, TU Dresden, Germany
- Scientific area of Function Integration, Laboratory of Structural Dynamics and Diagnostics
2011 – 2014 Research scholarship from European Centre for Emerging Materials and Processes ECEMP, Dresden, Germany
- Event-driven diagnostic approach for damage tolerant composites under complex loading conditions
ORCID iD: | 0000-0003-0311-1745 |
Publons: | 1787251 |
Scopus ID: | 55565984800 |
Google Scholar ID: | Angelos Filippatos |
ResearchGate: | Angelos Filippatos |
LinkedIn: | 53267477 – Angelos Filippatos |
vCard: | download (zipped) |
Ώρες επικοινωνίας με τους φοιτητές
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