Engineering Thermodynamics I
COURSE CONTENT Introduction and Basic Concepts, Thermodynamics and Energy, Systems and Control Volumes, Properties of a System, State and Equilibrium, The State Postulate, Zeroth...
Manufacturing Systems I & Laboratory
COURSE CONTENT Cost, time, quality and flexibility in manufacturing. Introduction to manufacturing processes. Casting, deforming, material removal and joining processes. Comparative study of manufacturing...
Mathematics III
COURSE CONTENT Basic notions of ODEs. 1st order ODEs (ODEs with separable variables, homogeneous ODEs, linear ODEs, Bernoulli equations, Ricatti equations, exact ODEs, ODEs...
Mechanics (Dynamics)
COURSE CONTENT Kinematics of Particles: Introduction to Dynamics, Rectilinear Motion of Particles, Position, Velocity, and Acceleration, Determination of the Motion of a Particle, Uniform...
Strength of Materials I
COURSE CONTENT The concept of mechanical stress – Single axis and plane stress conditions – stress analysis – MOHR cycles. – Strain gages –...
Introduction to Business Administration
COURSE CONTENT Economy-Society-Organisations. Introduction to Business Economics. Managers and Management. The context of management. The foundations of decision making. Foundations of planning. Human resources...
Russian and Terminology
COURSE CONTENT Grammatical and syntactic phenomena. Speaking and writing. Vocabulary enrichment. LEARNING OUTCOMES In Russian III the course includes: Nouns and adjectives in...