Mechanics (Statics)

Introduction to Mechanics, basic concepts and fundamental principles, Force action-reaction models, Force and moment systems, Vector algebra, Free body diagrams, Mass center-distributed forces, Equilibrium-Constraints-Static indeterminacy, Structures (Trusses, frames, flexible cables, machines), Coulomb friction and applications (wedges, screws, journal and thrust bearings, disk friction, flexible belts)
By the end of this course the students will be able to:
- Analyze/compose through vector equations and representations systems of forces and moments that are acting in structures (the insistence on the vector representation is to facilitate problem solving with forces and moments in random directions in space)
- Produce simple mathematical models of the physical structure and their joints – free body diagrams and solve the equilibrium equations
- Assess the efficiency and adequacy of supporting a structure and calculate joint reactions
- Specify the internal reactions (force and moment) state in statically determinate rigid bodies and their systems under the action of distributed and concentrated loads
This knowledge is necessary and is used in many subsequent courses of Mechanics, such as Strength of Materials, Machine Design, Light Structures, Finite Elements for Structural Analysis, Mechanics of Composite Materials etc. The learning outcomes of this course correspond to the descriptive index 8, according to the European Qualifications Framework.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Self