Technical writing
COURSE CONTENT Introduction The role of technical writing in business, industry, studies and research Characteristics of correct technical writing: The writing process Assessment of...
ΜΜ27 | Applied Linear and Non-Linear Viscoelasticity
Postgraduate Study Program | Computational and Experimental Engineering and Advanced Materials Introduction Stress and Strain Analysis Characteristics, Applications and Properties of Polymers Polymerization and...
ΜΜ23 | Advanced Mechanics of Composite Laminates and Structures
Postgraduate Study Program | Computational and Experimental Engineering and Advanced Materials Introduction to Laminate Mechanics and the analysis of composite structures. Typical analysis scales....
ΜΜ14 | Advanced Structural Dynamics-Special Topics in Finite Element and Boundary Element Methods
Postgraduate Study Program | Computational and Experimental Engineering and Advanced Materials Introduction to the dynamic behavior of structures – typical problems and applications. Dynamics...
ΜΜ13 | Structural Integrity
Postgraduate Study Program | Computational and Experimental Engineering and Advanced Materials Basic design philosophies of structural components and parts, definitions of structural integrity. Basic...
ΜΜ12 | Energy Theorems and Variational Formulations in Theory of Elasticity
Postgraduate Study Program | Computational and Experimental Engineering and Advanced Materials Basics in Tensor calculus, Stress (Body and surface forces, Tractions, Stress tensor, Equilibrium...
ΜΕ24 | Multiphase Flows
Postgraduate Study Program | Power Systems General Features of Multiphase Flows: Fundamental definitions. Volume fraction and densities. Superficial and phase velocities, quality, concentration, and...
ΜΕ21 | Advanced Fluid Mechanics
Postgraduate Study Program | Power Systems Potential or Ideal Flow: Fundamental principles of potential flow. Fluid deformation. Vorticity. Rotational and Irrotational flow. Stream function...
ΜΕ14 | Noise and the Protection of the Environment
Postgraduate Study Program | Power Systems Chapter 1: Noise Indexes and Criteria (assessment, intelligibility, quality, annoyance) Chapter 2: Health and Environmental effects Chapter 3:...
ΜΕ13 | Renewable Energy Sources
Postgraduate Study Program | Power Systems Forms – Types and nature of Renewable Energy Sources (RES). Advantages & disadvantages of RES. Solar Energy, Thermal...
ΜΕ12 | Computational Methods for Energy Problems
Postgraduate Study Program | Power Systems Classification of Partial Differential Equations. The Finite Difference Method. Finite Difference Solution of the Laplace Equation. Iterative Methods...
ΜΕ11 | Advanced Thermodynamics
Postgraduate Study Program | Power Systems Review of macroscopic Τhermodynamics and thermodynamic system parameters. First & Second Law and their applications. The closed thermodynamic...
ΜΔ24 | Quality & Environment
Postgraduate Study Program | Design and Production This course presents advanced issues in Quality Management and Environmental Management with respect to Design and Operations....
ΜΔ22 | Data Analysis
Postgraduate Study Program | Design and Production Data entry, data manipulation, descriptive statistics, graphs, confidence intervals, parametric and non-parametric hypothesis tests, regression analysis, Analysis...
ΜΚ22 | Design of Vehicles
Postgraduate Study Program | Design and Production Syllabus: The motor vehicle, the evolution of form and technology, historic. Styling in Europe and America. Form...