Introduction to Aeronautical Materials
Description Material selection for lightweight structures – Aeronautical materials – Aluminum – Aluminum alloys (effect of alloying elements on the mechanical behavior, intermetallic phases,...
Manufacturing Processes and Systems for Aerospace Structures
Description Manufacturing process and systems utilized in the fabrication and assembly of advanced aerospace structures. Overview of structural materials (metals/non-metals/composites) used in aerospace structures. Primary forming,...
Flight Control
Description Introduction to aircraft motions, dynamics and instruments. Stability, pitch, yaw and roll stability. Aircraft equations of motion, small disturbance theory. Stability derivatives. Aircraft...
Special Topics in the Analysis of Aircraft Stuctures
COURSE CONTENT Stress and strain analysis of statically indeterminate multi-cell beams, basic concepts of fracture mechanics and their application in structural integrity. Certification and...
Νumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
COURSE CONTENT Classification of Partial Differential Equations. The Finite Difference Method. Finite Difference Solution of the Laplace Equation. Iterative Methods of Solution. Parabolic Partial...