Occupational health and safety
COURSE CONTENT Management of occupational safety and design of industrial processes. Occupational accidents. Safety Legislation. Compensatory damages. New trends in occupational safety. Safety requirements...
Tribology in Machine Design
COURSE CONTENT Friction and wear. Contact processes (Hertz theory). Surface roughness. Measure the actual contact surface. Slip friction, contact temperature. Rolling friction. Theories of...
Technology – Innovation -Entrepreneurship
COURSE CONTENT The economic and social connotations of technology – Technology policy – Technology and R&D management – Identification of technology – Selection of...
Natural Gas Technology
COURSE CONTENT NATURAL GAS AND GAS FUEL. Composition, properties, uses, consumption and distribution of natural gas. Natural gas in the production of electricity and...
Engineering Thermodynamics II
COURSE CONTENT Exergy, Reversible Work and Irreversibility, Second-Law Efficiency, Exergy Change of a System, Exergy Transfer, The Decrease of Exergy Principle, Exergy Destruction, Exergy...
Engineering Thermodynamics I
COURSE CONTENT Introduction and Basic Concepts, Thermodynamics and Energy, Systems and Control Volumes, Properties of a System, State and Equilibrium, The State Postulate, Zeroth...
Vibrations of Mechanical Systems
COURSE CONTENT Introduction – Term definitions Systems of one degree of freedom Vibration measuring instruments Formulation of motion equations of multi degree of freedom systems...
Design of Mechanical Systems
COURSE CONTENT Introduction – The necessity of design Basic terms Design models The design process Market σθρωευ Analysis of the problem Setting up the...
Computer Aided Design
COURSE CONTENT Introduction to graphical methods in Computer Aided Design. Geometric transformations in 2D. Geometric transformations in 3D. Projections. Wireframe modelling. Bezier and B-spline...
COURSE CONTENT System analysis in frequency domain Discrete-time signals and systems Discrete control systems Introduction to state space Analysis in state space Design of...
Systems and Automatic Control I
COURSE CONTENT Introduction to dynamical systems and automatic control Mathematical representation, types and notions of dynamical systems State space representations of dynamical systems Modeling...
Operations Strategy
COURSE CONTENT Corporate, competitive and functional strategies – Market-based and resource-based approaches to strategy – Operations strategic objectives and decision areas – The product/process...
Stochastic Signals & Systems
COURSE CONTENT Introduction to stochastic signals and systems Fundamental notions of stochastic signals in the time domain Non-parametric estimation of stochastic signals in the...
Elements of Machine Design II
COURSE CONTENT Elastic elements, springs, wedges. Friction couplings. Power transfer. Shafts, materials, manufacturing, configuration, stress design and critical speeds. Shaft’s dynamic analysis. Design of...
Elements of Machine Design I
COURSE CONTENT Methodology of Design of Machine Elements, and Materials. The use of the Computer’s in machine design. Optimization of machine elements and engine...