Russian II
COURSE CONTENT Grammatical and syntactic phenomena. Speaking and writing. Vocabulary enrichment. LEARNING OUTCOMES Coverage of basic phonetic and grammatical structures – A’ semester...
Fluid Mechanics II
COURSE CONTENT BASIC PRINCIPLES OF IDEAL FLOW. Fluid deformation and vorticity. Stream function and velocity potential. ELEMENTARY FLOWS. Parallel flow, source, sink and dynamic...
Fluid Mechanics I
COURSE CONTENT FLUID MECHANICS: Theoretical, technical and applied Fluid Mechanics. THE DEFINITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FLUIDS. The fluid state. Density, pressure and temperature....
COURSE CONTENT FUNCTIONAL PRINCIPLES AND MACHINES. CALCULATION OF THE FLUID-DYNAMIC ENERGY CONVERSION. Fluid status and elementary stage. Euler Turbine Equation. Energy equation. Thermodynamic diagrams...
Nuclear Technology: Fission and Fusion
COURSE CONTENT INTRODUCTION: Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Fuels. Energy sources, Energy reserves. REVIEW OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS: Nuclear reactions. Cross sections. Reaction rates. NUCLEAR FISSION:...
Propulsion Systems
CONTENT COURSE The lectures involve The conventional types of aircraft propulsion systems A short presentation of the historical evolution of the Gas Turbines The...
Simulation of Multiphase Flows
COURSE CONTENT ONE DIMENSIONAL TWO-PHASE FLOW. Homogeneous and separated two-phase flow. Equations of continuity and momentum. Equations of motion and pressure loss of general...
Experimental Fluid Dynamics
COURSE CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to provide to the student the deep knowledge of the different flow magnitudes, the methodology and the...
Manufacturing Systems II & Laboratory
COURSE CONTENT Control and automation of machine tools. Basic concepts and methods of process planning. Design and operation of manufacturing systems using digital tools...
Manufacturing Systems I & Laboratory
COURSE CONTENT Cost, time, quality and flexibility in manufacturing. Introduction to manufacturing processes. Casting, deforming, material removal and joining processes. Comparative study of manufacturing...
Mechatronic Systems
COURSE CONTENT Introduction to mechatronic systems Mathematical representation and response calculation for basic mechatronic systems Basic notions of the Laplace and Fourier transforms Mechatronic...
Mechanical Drawing & Machine-Shop Training II
COURSE CONTENT Surface characteristics and quality (roughness, criteria for quality, rules and symbols), Tolerancing (placing of symbols according to ISO, geometric tolerances), Drawing metal...
Mechanical Drawing & Machine-Shop Training I
COURSE CONTENT Basic drafting rules and drafting equipment (rules, drafting media and equipment, lettering, scales, Computer Aided Design principles), Common geometric constructions (angle bisection,...