Mechanical Measurements
COURSE CONTENT Basic concepts of Mechanical Measurements. Measuring instruments. Introduction to Metrology. Uncertainty, sensitivity, error analysis, dynamic behavior, damping, measurement standards. Fixed and dynamic...
Flight Mechanics
COURSE CONTENT The lectures involve The implementation of the flying aircraft The indicated and the true airspeed of a steady flying aircraft The excess...
Material Conveying Machines
COURSE CONTENT Introduction – Conveying and hoisting machines – Types and classifications General theory of conveying machines Types of conveying machines Material characteristics Conveying...
Non Conventional Manufacturing Processes
COURSE CONTENT Overview of manufacturing processes. Laser assisted processes. Types of Lasers. Characteristics of laser equipment. Basic Laser processes. Drilling. Cutting (two-dimensional, three-dimensional). Laser...
Mathematics ΙΙ
COURSE CONTENT Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates in space. Second degree surfaces. Multivariable functions, limit, continuity, partial derivative of first or higher order and...
Kinematics of Machines and Mechanisms
COURSE CONTENT Fundamental theories of kinematics, vector and matrix algebra, numerical methods for use in computational mechanics, computer programs for analyzing the response of...
Combustion and Pollutants
COURSE CONTENT Introduction, background, objectives, applications. Chemical thermodynamics, stoichiometry, adiabatic flame temperature, fuels. Chemical kinetics, Arrhenius law, reaction types and rates, elementary, multi-step and...
History of Technology
COURSE CONTENT The precursors of the Industrial Revolution,1500-1750: the agrarian revolution, metallurgy, materials, tools, measuring equipment, machines and mechanisms, fluid power, thermal engines, transport...
Electrical Circuits and Machines
COURSE CONTENT Introduction to Circuit theory. Mecahtronics. Analysis and Design of circuits. Basic concepts of circuits. Kirchhoff’s Laws. Circuits with sources and resistances. Operational...
Electromagnetic and Thermal Problems in Energy Systems
COURSE CONTENT Introduction. Review of Electromagnetics. Magneto-solid mechanics. Magneto-fluid dynamics. Coupled electromagnetic-mechanical and electromagnetic-thermal problems in: Magnetic fusion reactors, MHD systems, magnetically levitated vehicles....
Applied Mathematics
COURSE CONTENT Partial Differential Equations. (PDE) Solution of 1st order PDE, PDE of 2nd order, Characteristics and Classification of Partial Differential Equations, Canonical forms,...
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
COURSE CONTENT Introduction – What is Artificial Intelligence Description of problems Search Algorithms – Blank and heuristic search algorithms Representation of knowledge – Propositional...
Operational Research IΙ
COURSE CONTENT Section 1: Criteria for decision-making under uncertainty, Maximin, Maximax, Hurwicz, Minimax Regret, Mean value, Criteria for decision-making under risk, Maximization of expected...
Internal Compustion Engines
COURSE CONTENT Engine types, spark ignition, compression ignition, stratified charge, alternative engine types. Gas cycles, Otto, Diesel, Dual, arbitrary heat release modeling, heat and...
Introduction to Manufacturing Systems
COURSE CONTENT Design of manufacturing systems. The problem of resource requirements. The problem of resources layout. The problem of material flow. The problem of...