Nuclear Technology: Fission and Fusion

INTRODUCTION: Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Fuels. Energy sources, Energy reserves.
REVIEW OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS: Nuclear reactions. Cross sections. Reaction rates.
NUCLEAR FISSION: Excess mass and binding energies. Radioactive decay. Fission chain reaction.
NUCLEAR REACTOR TECHNOLOGY: Thermal neutron reactors. Fast neutron breeder reactors. Nuclear fuel cycle. Heat transfer and fluid flow in nuclear reactors. Radiation. Safety and Environmental problems.
NUCLEAR FUSION: Isotopes involved in fusion reactions and reserves. Requirements for a thermonuclear fusion reaction. Elements of plasma physics. Magnetically confined plasma fusion devices. Laser induced fusion. Fusion reactor technology.
- Basic concepts of nuclear physics
- Fundamentals of energy production from fission and core fusion.
- Technology of fission reactors and technological problems to be solved for the operation of fusion reactors.
- Calculation of physical and technological parameters of nuclear technology
- Solving related exercises.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Self