Technology of Polymer and Composite Materials

Introduction to polymers and composites (definitions, and fundamental theory). Curing techniques. Categories of polymers. Composite materials: matrices (polymeric, metallic, ceramic) and reinforcing materials (particles, fibers, fabrics). Mechanical behavior of polymers and composites.
Forming methods for the manufacture of products and structural components of reinforced composites with thermosetting and thermoplastic matrix (automatic and semi-automatic techniques, manual shaping techniques). Joining techniques that contain composite parts. Quality control of composite structures.
The students attending this course gain the basic knowledge of polymers, plastics and composite materials, can understand the methods-techniques for the formulation of composite materials for component parts manufacturing, understanding of the part-assembly techniques and quality control methods of composite structures.
This knowledge is necessary and is used in many subsequent courses of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, such as Light Structures, Introduction to Composite Materials, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Finite Elements for Structural Analysis, Mechanics of Composite Materials etc.
The learning outcomes of this course correspond to the descriptive indicator 8, according to the European Qualifications Framework.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes