Chrysochoidis Nikolaos
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- Chrysochoidis Nikolaos
Chrysochoidis Nikolaos
Academic position: Assistant Professor
Biographic Notes
Studies: Chrysochoidis Nikolaos has graduated Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineer from the University of Patras in 2001 and holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering since 2008.
Areas of Expertise: He has twenty years’ experience in the areas of structural dynamics, active materials, FEM modeling, and damage detection in composite structures. He has worked in the research areas of vibration measurements, design, and efficiency investigation of anti-vibrations setups as well as energy harvesting from piezoelectric devices. His experience on dynamic characterization varies from small lab scale demonstrators up to the level of real structures i.e. wind turbine blades or helicopters.
Working Experience:
- 2023-now: Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
- 2015-2023: Research and Teaching Personnel of the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering of the University of Patras
- 2012-2015: Visiting scientist (Grantholder-30) for 3 years in the ISPRA-EU research Center in Italy working on the integration of smart devices in composite container structures for SHM and energy harvesting applications.
- 2009-2012: Mechanical Engineer at the Laboratory of Applied Mechanics and Vibrations of the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering of the University of Patras
Participation to Research Projects: He has participated in more than 10 Research Programs supported by Greek National Funds (Greek Ministry of Education), European Funds (FP6, FP7, CleanSky JTI, ESA etc.) and US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR).
Indicative projects:
- Energy Autonomous System of Signal Processing and Wireless Transmission with Piezoelectric elements for Wind Turbine Applications, (EnAuSy), GSRT – Research and Innovation Action, 2018-2022
- Distributed Smart Material Arrays for Low Frequency Broadband Active Noise and Vibration Suppression in Transport Vehicles and Light Structures, (TRAVIC), GSRT – Research and Innovation Action, 2018-2022
- Development and Manufacturing of Intelligent Lightweight Composite Aircraft Container, (INTELLICONT), Horizon2020, Clean Sky 2, H2020-CS2-2017-CFP06-LPA-02-16, 2018-2022
- Technologies for Active Vibration and Acoustic Comfort (TAVAC), Horizon2020, Clean Sky 2, CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR-01-05, GRA-717089, 2016-2019
Recent Publications: He has published over 50 journal articles and conference papers in the area of structural dynamics, vibration control, damage detection, energy harvesting, and composite materials. Indicative Publications:
- C. Kardarakos, N.A. Chrysochoidis, D. Varelis, D.A. Saravanos, 2023. Numerical and experimental investigation of the energy harvesting performance of electromechanically coupled piezoelectric prestressed beams subjected to nonlinear vibrations. Smart Materials and Structures, DOI 10.1088/1361-665X/acb472
- Christoforos S. Rekatsinas, Dimitris K. Siorikis, Christos V. Nastos, Nikolaos A. Chrysochoidis, Theodosios C. Theodosiou, Ahmet S. Yigit, Andreas P. Christoforou, Dimitris A. Saravanos, “An efficient computational framework for hailstone impacts on composite plates utilizing a semi-empirical viscoplastic contact law” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 178,2023, 104628,
- Chatziathanasiou, G.M., Chrysochoidis N.A., Saravanos D.A, 2022, A Semi-Active Shunted Piezoelectric Tuned-Mass-Damper for Multi-Modal Vibration Control of Large Flexible Structures, Journal of Sound and Vibration,537,
- Chatziathanasiou, G.M., Chrysochoidis N.A., Saravanos D.A, 2021, A semi-active shunted piezoelectric tuned mass damper for robust vibration control, Journal of Vibration and Control,
- Rekatsinas, C.S., Chrysochoidis, N.A., Saravanos, D.A, 2021, Investigation of critical delamination characteristics in composite plates combining cubic spline piezo-layerwise mechanics and time domain spectral finite elements, Wave Motion, 106, 102752,
Scopus | Chrysochoidis, Nikolaos A. – Author details – Scopus |
Scholar | Nikolaos A. Chrysochoidis – Μελετητής Google |
Orcid | NIKOLAOS CHRYSOCHOIDIS (0000-0003-1562-7554) – ORCID |
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