Michalakakou Giouli
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- Michalakakou Giouli
Academic Position: Professor
Biographic notes
University Studies:
- Ph.D., Division of Applied Physics, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Athens
- Master Diploma (Msc), Division of Applied Physics, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Athens
- Diploma of Physics, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science , University of Athens
Research Activities
- Physics of the urban environment
- Physics of the built environment and particularly on the following topics: Heat and mass transfer when passive cooling systems are used, Bioclimatic and Energy conscious design, Indoor Air Quality, Renewable Energy Sources, Passive Cooling and Heating Systems
- Atmospheric Physics and Meteorology
Recent Publications
- Bagiorgas, H.S., Mihalakakou, G., Rehman, S., Al-Hadhrami, L.M., “Wind power potential assessment for three buoys data collection stations in the Ionian Sea using Weibull distribution function, International Journal of Green Energy, vol. 13, pp. 703-714, 2016.
- Gkanas, E.I., Khzouz, M., Panagakos, G., (…), Skodras, G., Makridis, S.S., “Hydrogenation behavior in rectangular metal hydride tanks under effective heat management processes for green building applications”, vol. 142, pp. 518-530, Energy, 2018
- Paravantis, J.A., Stigka, E., Mihalakakou, G., (…), Hills, J.M., Dourmas, V., “Social acceptance of renewable energy projects: A contingent valuation investigation in Western Greece “, Renewable Energy, vol. 123, pp. 639-651, 2018.
- Kanteraki A, Kyriakopoulos G., Zamparas M., Makridis S, and Mihalakakou G., :”Inverstigating thermal performance of residential buildings in Marmari”, Challenges 2020, 11, 5; doi:10.3390/challe11010005.
- J. Paravantis, P. Tasios, V. Dourmas, G. Andreakos, K. Velaoras, N. Kontoulis, and P. Mihalakakou, A regression Analysis of the Carbon Footprint of Megacities, Sustainability, Sustainability 2021, 13, 1379. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13031379
- G. Mihalakakou, M. Souliotis, M. Papadaki, G. Halkos, J. Paravantis, S. Makridis, S. Papaefthimiou, Applications of Earth-to-Air Heat Exchangers: A Holistic Review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 155, 2022, 111921.
- S. Κappou, M. Souliotis, S. Papaefthymiou, G. Panaras, J. Paravantis, E. Michalana, J.M. Hills, A. Vouros, A. Ntymenou, and G. Mihalakakou, “Cool Pavements : State of the art and new Technologies Sustainability, 2022, https://doi.org/10.3390/su14095159.
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citaptions?user=RlKiIqUAAAAJ&hl=en
Renewable Energy Sources
LEARNING OUTCOMES Knowledge: Familiarity with Renewable Energy Sources Understanding of theoretical fundamental principles of solar energy and solar technology Understanding of the main mechanisms...
COURSE CONTENT Introduction to the course and historical data of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics. Energy, Heat, environmental issues from the energy view point (e.g....
Heat Transfer I
COURSE CONTENT Fundamental principles of heat transfer. Heat transfer modes: conduction, convection and radiation. The heat transfer equation. Heat conduction (steady state, one dimensional...
Heat Transfer II
COURSE CONTENT Introduction. Heat convection phenomenology. Newton law of cooling. Pi theorem. Dimensional analysis. Nondimensional Numbers. Forced convection. Free convection. Working correlations for forced...
Energy Design and Airconditioning of Buildings
LEARNING OUTCOMES Knowledge • Familiarity with energy-saving techniques. • Understanding Solar Passive Systems. • Understanding the fundamental principles of energy conscious design of buildings...
ΜΕ13 | Renewable Energy Sources
Postgraduate Study Program | Power Systems Forms – Types and nature of Renewable Energy Sources (RES). Advantages & disadvantages of RES. Solar Energy, Thermal...
Design of Air Vehicles
COURSE CONTENT Introduction to conceptual design of air vehicles. Design specifications. Calculation of weights. Sensitivity of maximum aircraft weight to basic parameters. Calculation of...
Aeroacoustics and Noise of Air Vehicles II
COURSE CONTENT Basic principles of aeroacoustics and their application in the study of aircraft noise generation. Types of sound sources: monopoles, dipoles, quadrupoles, arrays....
On measurements of air- traffic noise
COURSE CONTENT Microphones, sound level meters, pre-amplifiers, amplifiers, calibrators (types, characteristics, operation principles and selection criteria). Acoustic measurement techniques (outdoors, indoors). Acoustic signal processing...