Vouros Andreas
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- Vouros Andreas
Vouros Andreas
Academic position: Assistant Professor
Division: Division of Energy, Aeronautics & Enviroment
Laboratory member: Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Applications
Tel: (2610) 996201
Email: vouros@upatras.gr
Personal Links
Scopus | Vouros P. Andreas – Author Detail Scopus |
Scholar | Vouros P. Andreas _Μελετητής Google |
Orcid | Vouros P. Andreas (0000-0002-8971-1014)_ORCID |
Selected publications
Maria Milousi, Athanasios Pappas, Andreas P. Vouros, Giouli Mihalakakou, Manolis Souliotis Spiros Papaefthimiou “Evaluating the technical and environmental capabilities of geothermal systems through Life Cycle Assessment” Energies 2022, 15, 5673. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15155673 (IF: 3.252)
Nikolaos Th. Fourniotis, Andreas P. Vouros, Athanassios A. Dimas, “Pier Shape Effect on Backwater Rise and Drag Force in Open – Channel Flow”, Int. Review of Civil Engineering (I.RE.C.E) VOL 10, N 3 2019 , https://doi.org/10.15866/irece.v10i3.15632 (IF: 2.184)
Andreas P. Vouros, Alexandros P. Vouros Thrassos Panidis, “Spray Characteristics of Alternative Aviation Fuel Blends”, MDPI aerospace 2017, Vol., 4(2) https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace4020018 (IF: 2.66)
Andreas P. Vouros, Alexandros Vouros, Thrassos Panidis, “Experimental Study of a Water – mist Jet Issuing Normal to a Heated Flat Plate” Journal of Thermal Science, 2016, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 473-482 doi:10.2298/TSCI130514149V (IF: 2.013)
Α. Vouros, Th. Panidis, “Statistical Analysis of turbulent thermal free convection over a horizontal heated plate in an open top cavity”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2012, Vol 36, pp.44-55, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2011.08.002 (IF: 3.37)
Athanasios A. Dimas, Andreas P. Vouros “Effect of cross-flow velocity at forebay on swirl in pump suction pipe: Hydraulic Model of Seawater Intake at Aliveri Power Plant in Greece”, J. Hydraulic Engineering, 2012, Vol138 (9), pp. 812-816, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000576 (IF: 2.785)
Α. Vouros and Th. Panidis, “Turbulent free convection over a horizontal heated plate in an open top cavity”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 395, Eurotherm Sept.04-07 2012, Poitiers – Futuroscope, France, No 012126, https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/395/1/012126
Athanasios A. Dimas, Nikolaos Th. Fourniotis, Andreas P. Vouros, Alexander, C. Demetracopoulos ”Effect of bed dunes on spatial development of open – channel flow”, Journal of Hydraulic Research 2008, Vol 46 (6) pp.802 – 813 https://doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2008.9521924 (IF: 2.116)
Andreas Vouros, Alexandros Vouros and Thrassos Panidis “Experimental study of a water mist jet issuing normal to a heated plate”, 8th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics (ExHFT-8), Lisbon, Portugal, June 16-20, 2013,
Andreas P. Vouros, Alexandros P. Vouros, Thrassos Panidis “Assesment of Spray Characteristics of Alternative Aviation Fuel Blends”2nd EASN Workshop on Flight Physics and Propulsion, Prague 31 Oct 2012 – 2 Nov 2012,
Αndreas P. Vouros, Alexandros P. Vouros, Thrassos Panidis “Compatibility of spray characteristics of alternative fuels for aviation” 13th Workshop on Two – Phase Flow Predictions Halle (Saale), Germany, 17-20 September 2012,
Α. Vouros and Th. Panidis, “Turbulent free convection over a horizontal heated plate in an open top cavity”, Eurotherm Sept.04-07 2012, Poitiers – Futuroscope, France, No 012126, pp.1-8
Andreas P. Vouros, Thrassos Panidis, Demosthenes D. Papailiou, Kostas K. Perrakis “The Structure of the Free Convection Thermal Field and the Interaction with a Fine Spray” 5th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion, ISMF’05, Xi’an, China, 3-6 July 2005,
Α. Vouros, Th. Panidis, D.D. Papailiou “The Development of a Fine Spray Against a Thermally Stratified Atmosphere”, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS – EUROPE) Zurich, 2-6 September 2001, p.p. 675 – 680,
Fluid Mechanics I
COURSE CONTENT FLUID MECHANICS: Theoretical, technical and applied Fluid Mechanics. THE DEFINITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FLUIDS. The fluid state. Density, pressure and temperature....
COURSE CONTENT FUNCTIONAL PRINCIPLES AND MACHINES. CALCULATION OF THE FLUID-DYNAMIC ENERGY CONVERSION. Fluid status and elementary stage. Euler Turbine Equation. Energy equation. Thermodynamic diagrams...
Experimental Fluid Dynamics
COURSE CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to provide to the student the deep knowledge of the different flow magnitudes, the methodology and the...
Design of Air Vehicles
COURSE CONTENT Introduction to conceptual design of air vehicles. Design specifications. Calculation of weights. Sensitivity of maximum aircraft weight to basic parameters. Calculation of...
Compressible Flow
COURSE CONTENT Basic principles of thermodynamics. Compressibility of fluids and speed of sound. Isentropic flows in convergent/divergent ducts. Flow in a constant area duct...
Aeroacoustics and Noise of Air Vehicles II
COURSE CONTENT Basic principles of aeroacoustics and their application in the study of aircraft noise generation. Types of sound sources: monopoles, dipoles, quadrupoles, arrays....
On measurements of air- traffic noise
COURSE CONTENT Microphones, sound level meters, pre-amplifiers, amplifiers, calibrators (types, characteristics, operation principles and selection criteria). Acoustic measurement techniques (outdoors, indoors). Acoustic signal processing...