Applications of Artificial Intelligence
- Introduction – What is Artificial Intelligence
- Description of problems Search Algorithms – Blank and heuristic search algorithms
- Representation of knowledge – Propositional and predicate logic – Structured representations of knowledge (Semantic networks, frameworks, conceptual dependencies, scripts) – Rules – Fuzzy Logic
- Knowledge systems – Types of reasoning in knowledge systems – Expert systems (ES) – Characteristics, structure and development of expert systems
- Machine learning
- Genetic algorithms
- Applications of knowledge systems of discrete and fuzzy logic in the design and for machine fault diagnosis
- Intelligent control and intelligent control techniques
- Fuzzy Controllers – Design and Applications of fuzzy Controllers
- Introduction to NN-based control and applications
The course is a lecture course and is offered by the CAD/CAM sector in the 9th semester of study.
Objectives of the course:
- Gain familiarity with the basic concepts of Artificial Intelligence
- Understand the algorithms, methods and techniques of systematic problem formulation and solving
- Familiarize with ways of representing discrete and fuzzy logic
- Understand how to apply methods of solving and representing knowledge to solve problems from the field of mechanical engineering (design, production processes, robotics, automatic control, etc.)
Upon successful completion of the course the student will be:
- familiar with the basic concepts of Artificial Intelligence and the methods of exploring and representing knowledge to solve problems
- able to apply the above to solve problems arising from the field of mechanical and aeronautical engineering
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes