
- System analysis in frequency domain
- Discrete-time signals and systems
- Discrete control systems
- Introduction to state space
- Analysis in state space
- Design of control systems in state space
- Advanced control topics
- Applications in Matlab/Simuling environment
This course provides basic theory and practice for analog and digital signals and systems as well as for the design of digital automatic control. With the successful completion of the course the student will be in position to:
- Analyze systems and set control specifications in frequency domain
- Investigate open and closed loop system stability in frequency domain using Bode and Nyquist diagrams
- Discretize analog systems and perform proper signal sampling and filtering
- Develop discrete models of dynamical systems using z-transform
- Develop pulse (discrete) transfer functions
- Develop multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) state space dynamical models
- Study the system response in state space
- Work in the z-domain, state space, s-plane and frequency domain interchangeably
- Comprehend and properly use the canonical forms and the principles of controllability and observability
- Develop digital control systems in time domain and in state space based on state feedback control
- Comprehend the principles of observer based advanced control systems
- Apply the above in Matlab /Simulink environment
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes