Systems and Automatic Control I

- Introduction to dynamical systems and automatic control
- Mathematical representation, types and notions of dynamical systems
- State space representations of dynamical systems
- Modeling of physical systems
- Response calculation in the time domain
- Response calculation in the frequency domain
- Elementary systems and their characteristics
- Multivariable systems
- Introduction to automatic control systems: specifications and basic topologies
- Stability of closed loop systems and the Routh criterion
- Steady state response specifications
- Transient response specifications
- PID controllers and Lead-Lag compensators and their properties
- Control system topology selection
- Design principles for automatic control systems
- Design using the Root Locus method and the frequency domain
- Brief introduction into state feedback control systems
The course introduces the student to the basic theory of linear dynamical systems and automatic control. Upon successful completion of the course the student will be in position to:
- Identify dynamical systems and their basic characteristics
- Develop differential equation and state space models of common mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and other systems
- Analyze the properties of a system and compute responses using the Laplace Transform
- Analyze closed loop feedback control systems
- Suggest controllers and design closed loop control systems of various topologies for meeting set specifications
Execute the above in a proper simulation environment, such as MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes