Malefaki Sonia
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- Malefaki Sonia
Malefaki Sonia
Academic position: Assοciate Professor
Biographic Notes
Sonia Malefaki was born in Athens, Greece, in 1977. In 1999 she graduated from the Department of Mathematics of the University of Patras with orientation on “Statistics, Probability and Operational Research”. In 2001 she received her MSc with honor (grade: 9.13), from the interdepartmental postgraduate program “Computer Mathematics and Decision Making” with Orientation on “Statistical Decision Theory and applications” from the University of Patras and in 2008 she defended her doctoral dissertation at the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Piraeus (thesis title “Simulated weighted samples as jump processes: A different perspective”, supervisor: G. Iliopoulos). She worked as a researcher at the Universite de Technologie de Compiegne in France from 2008 to 2010. From June 2010 until September 2013 she was employed as a Lecturer at the Department of Engineering Science, University of Patras. In September 2013 she joined as a Lecturer to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, University of Patras. Ιn March 2016 she was elected Assistant Professor and from September 2023 she is Associate Professor in the same department. Her research interests are mainly in the area of computational statistics, simulation methods, Monte Carlo and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. She works also on Bayesian Statistics, Markov and semi Markov processes, hidden Markov/semi Markov models and reliability. She is the author of 37 papers in international journals and more than 15 papers in conference proceedings with referees.
She is also a reviewer for more than 17 international journals.
Google Scholar: Malefaki Sotiria
Research Fields
Selected Publications:
- D.N. Markatos, S. Malefaki and S.G. Pantelakis (2023) “Sensitivity Analysis of a Hybrid MCDM Model for Sustainability Assessment—An Example from the Aviation Industry” Aerospace, 10 (4), 385.
- D. Logothetis, S. Malefaki, S. Trevezas and P.H. Cournède (2022) ‘‘Bayesian estimation for the GREENLAB plant growth model with deterministic organogenesis’’ Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 27(1), 63–87.
- P. Economou, A. Batsidis, G. Tzavelas, S. Malefaki (2021) “Understanding the sampling bias: A case study on NBA drafts has been accepted for publication” Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 15(2), 1–20
- V.P. Koutras, S. Malefaki and A.N. Platis (2020) “Opportunistic maintenance on the automatic switching mechanism of a two-unit multi-state system” European J. of Industrial Engineering 15(5), 616–642.
- P. Economou, bf S. Malefaki, K. Kounetas (2020) “A Metafrontier Production Function for a Bayesian frontier model: A cross-country Comparison” Communications in Statistics — Case Studies and Data Analysis, 7(1), 88-111.
- P Koutras, S. Malefaki and A.N. Platis, (2017) “Optimization of the Dependability and Performance Measures of a Generic Model for Multi-State Deteriorating Systems under Maintenance”. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 166, 73-86.
- Economou, S. Malefaki and C. Caroni. (2015) “Bayesian threshold regression model with random effects for recurrent events.” Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 17(4), 871–898.
- S. Malefaki, N. Limnios and P. Dersin, (2014) “Reliability of maintained systems under a semi–Markov setting.” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 131, 282-290.
- Iliopoulos, G. and Malefaki, S. (2013). “Variance reduction of estimators arising from Metropolis-Hastings algorithms.” Statistics and Computing, 23(5), 577–587.
- Chryssaphinou, Ο. Limnios N.
and Malefaki. S. (2011) “Multi-state Reliability Systems under Discrete Time Semi-Markovian Hypothesis.” IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 60(1), 80-87. - Malefaki, S. and Iliopoulos, G. (2008). “On convergence of importance sampling to the target distribution.” Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138(4), 1210-1225.
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