Mourtzis Dimitris
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- Mourtzis Dimitris
Dr. Mourtzis Dimitris
Academic position: Professor
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Dr. Dimitris Mourtzis is Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics (Link). He has remarkable administrative experience as he is Vice President of Research and Development Council of the University of Patras (UP), Governing Board Member of the University of Patras at the CLEAN AVIATION Joint Undertaking (Link), representing European Academia and Director of the Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation (LMS) (Link), and Fellow of the ARSAKEIA – TOSITSEIA Schools, administered by the Society for Promoting Education and Learning (SPEL), which is a non-profit educational organization. Additionally, he is Vice President of the Technical Council of the University of Patras, Scientific Manager of the “University of Patras Liaison Office” (Employment, Career and Liaison Department), which aims to connect students and graduates with the professional environment and to acquire new knowledge and skills and Scientific Officer for the General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR) of the Research and Development Council of the University of Patras. He also presents important administrative work through his participation in committees of both the Technical Chamber of Greece (Coordinator of the Committee on New Technologies and New Materials) and the Region of Western Greece (RWG) (Representative of UP at the Von Karman Institute).
He is Fellow of the International Academy for Production Research (CIRP), Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 5.2), Fellow of the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP WG 5.7), Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Association of Learning Factories (IALF), Μember of the European Factories of the Future Association (EFFRA), of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), of the European Manufacturing and Innovation Research Association, and Founding Member of the European Aeronautics Science Network / Association (EASN). He has participated in many research projects funded by International and National Resources, managed by the Research Committee of the University of Patras.
He has been the Vice Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics of the University of Patras from 2017 to 2020 and the Director of the Design and Manufacturing Division from 2015 to 2017. He has remarkable teaching experience as he has taught for many years eight (8) undergraduate and four (4) postgraduate courses at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics of University of Patras. More specifically, his teaching activities include Mechanical Design, History of Technology, Introduction to Manufacturing Systems, Kinematics of Machines and Mechanisms, Dynamics of Machines and Mechanisms, Numerical Control of Machine Tools (CNC), Aircraft Production Technologies and Systems, Special Topics in Manufacturing Systems, Special Topics in Robotics, Advanced Topics in Manufacturing Processes and Advanced Topics in Machine Tools and Automation and Advanced Topics in Manufacturing Systems.
He has participated in 44 Doctoral Dissertations (Lead Supervisor in 11) and to 26 Committees of Postgraduate Program (MSc) (Lead Supervisor in 15), both at a National and International level [i.e., Università Degli Studi Dell’Insubria, University of Brescia (Italy), NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway), Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)].
He has been the coordinator of the innovative educational activity for engineers Teaching Factories – “New training methods of the Engineer” about education and training of students and future young engineers, in close collaboration with industry. Ιt provides the possibility to implement new innovative training models (Hybrid Teaching Factory Models), focusing on the dissemination and knowledge transfer between research organizations and the manufacturing industry with the goal of acquisition/improvement of skills and competencies. At an international level he is the Faculty Liaison representing University of Patras in the iPodia, with participation of several universities. In the context of iPodia, he gives lectures to engineering students along the lines of the Digital Transformation and the model of the 4th Industrial Revolution. He has also been the Scientific coordinator of two (2) Summer Schools in collaboration with the European Organization BEST (Board of European Students of Technology).
He has held a series of lectures as a Visiting Professor at the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering of Beihang University (China), which is the First University in China to include Aeronautics and Aeronautics in its Curriculum and at the University of Calabria (Italy).
His scientific interests focus on the Simulation, Design, Planning and Control of Manufacturing Systems and Networks, Robotic Systems, Automation, Augmented, Mixed, and Virtual Reality in Manufacturing, and Manufacturing Processes Modelling. Furthermore, his research interests are also focused on the Design, Development and Implementation of solutions based on the utilization of technologies, such as Cloud Technologies, Internet of Things (IoT), the Digital Twin, 5G Cellular Networks, Artificial Intelligence, as well as on the development of Product-Service Systems (PSS). He is also actively involved in the Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Companies and Implementation of Industry 4.0 as well as of the upcoming Industry 5.0 and Society 5.0 practices, both at a National and International level.
He has also participated and organized the preparation and submission of many proposals for European and Greek funded research projects in cooperation with Industry, High-Tech Companies and Research and Development organizations. A significant number of these proposals has been approved for funding under his technical management and financial control and has been successfully completed under the auspices of the Research Committee of the University of Patras. The Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation, which he directs, has participated in more than three hundred (300) research projects funded by International and National resources, with an estimated budget of more than 50 million Euros for the University of Patras. It maintains long-term partnerships with many industrial partners, research centers and universities, as well as high-tech companies.
He is reviewer of research projects at international organizations, indicatively in European Commission, Research Council of Norway (RCN), Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Member of Research Promotion Foundations’ (RPF) Innovation and Research Information Systems (IRIS), and others. He is also a reviewer of research projects at IKY (State Scholarships Foundation) and enrolled in the Registry of Certified Evaluators of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT).
He authored the Book “Design and Operation of Production Networks for Mass Personalization in the Era of Cloud Technology” (Link) published in 2022 by Elsevier. He participates as Editorial Board Μember at nine (9) International Scientific Journals, as Editor / Guest Editor in eight (8) International Scientific Journals with high impact factor and as co-Editor in the MDPI Topic: Smart Manufacturing and Industry 5.0 (Link). More specifically, he is Editorial Board Member in International Journal of Production Research – IJPR (Link), in International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing – IJCIM, (Link), in Computers & Industrial Engineering (Area Editor), (Link), in the Mechanical Engineering Section of Applied Sciences (Link), in Advances in Manufacturing (Link), in Mathematical Problems in Engineering of Hindawi (Link), in Frontiers in Manufacturing Technology (Specialty Chief Editor in Digital Manufacturing) (Link), in Journal of Green Manufacturing Open (Link) and in Digital Twin (Link). He has chaired and organized two Webinars in cooperation with MDPI Applied Science Publisher (Link 1, Link 2).
He is also a reviewer in more than one hundred and twenty (120) international scientific journals with high Impact Factor, and in many international scientific conferences. He has chaired and organized fifteen (15) International Scientific Conferences and has been a member of more than one hundred and twenty (120) committees of International Scientific Conferences. He was the Conference Chair of CIRP DET 2011, CIRP CMS 2012, CLF 2018 and CIRP CMS 2021. He is member of the organizational Committee of the CIRP GA 2023. He has also given more than one hundred scientific and Keynote presentations and guest talks at international organizations (such as CIRP CMS 2021, IFAC MIM 2022, Dassault among others). He is also the STC Dn Section Editor in the CIRP Novel Topics in Production Engineering (CNTPE) board and Lead Author of the STC Dn Essay.
He is included in the ranking of the most important scientists in the world “Data for update science-wide author database of standardized citation indicators” published by Stanford University (2% of global top scientists based on their scientific background). Prof. Mourtzis holds the 394th place from a total of 83,299 scientists, in the subfield “Artificial Intelligence” and the 421st place in Engineering (Link). Similarly, he is ranked at the 3rd place for the University of Patras in the Engineering and Technology Research Unit, which is based on the reputation of scientists (Link).
He has authored monographs, book chapters, papers, white papers, and research project reports, has published numerous articles in International scientific journals (peer-reviewed). He has published more than three hundred and ten (312) scientific papers, of which one hundred and six (106) at highly regarded international scientific journals, one hundred and fifty-six (156) at international scientific conferences, thirty-six (36) chapters in books, ten (10) editorials and four (4) white papers. He has won the Burbidge Best Paper Award in APMS 2012, the Commended Paper Award in IFAC MIM 2022, the Best Paper Award in Mechanical Engineering Section in MDPI Applied Sciences (Link) (2020) and the Best presentation Award in 2nd Digital Twin Conference 2022. The unique citations of his published work exceed 11,500 (h-index 56/i-10 index: 174) according to the databases: Google Scholar, Scopus, and Research Gate.
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COURSE CONTENT Introduction to the course and historical data of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics. Energy, Heat, environmental issues from the energy view point (e.g....
ΜΚ22 | Design of Vehicles
Postgraduate Study Program | Design and Production Syllabus: The motor vehicle, the evolution of form and technology, historic. Styling in Europe and America. Form...
ΜΚ24 | Advanced Topics on Machine Tools and Automation
Postgraduate Study Program | Design and Production Numerical Control of Machine Tools. CNC and Industrial practice. Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM). Process Control and Automation. ...
ΜΚ25 | Advanced Topics on Manufacturing Systems
Postgraduate Study Program | Design and Production Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP). Methods and Tools of Digital Simulation for the design of manufacturing systems. ...
ΜΚ23 | Applications of Artificial and Computational Intelligence in Engineering Design
Postgraduate Study Program | Design and Production Introduction – Objectives – Engineering design: Design Techniques and Methods – The design phases – Concurrent and...
ΜΚ15 | Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Postgraduate Study Program | Design and Production Manufacturing processes: cost, time, flexibility and quality. Forming, deforming, material removal and joining. Analytical, numerical and experimental...
ΜΚ12 | Special Topics in Robotics
Postgraduate Study Program | Design and Production Kinematic and dynamic analysis of robotic manipulators. Computational complexity of the methods and computer simulation. Path planning...
Manufacturing Systems II & Laboratory
COURSE CONTENT Control and automation of machine tools. Basic concepts and methods of process planning. Design and operation of manufacturing systems using digital tools...
Manufacturing Systems I & Laboratory
COURSE CONTENT Cost, time, quality and flexibility in manufacturing. Introduction to manufacturing processes. Casting, deforming, material removal and joining processes. Comparative study of manufacturing...
Mechanical Drawing & Machine-Shop Training II
COURSE CONTENT Surface characteristics and quality (roughness, criteria for quality, rules and symbols), Tolerancing (placing of symbols according to ISO, geometric tolerances), Drawing metal...